Thursday, April 9, 2009

Flat Pinkie at the Inauguration

Unfortunately, we didn't get very great pictures, but Flat Pinkie did return with a neat button from the inauguration.

Flat George Washington at the Statue of Liberty!

We ended up dropping out of the Yahoo group because of so many people simply either not returning our travelers or claiming that they were "lost in the mail." However, an acquaintance agreed to take a new traveler--Flat George Washington--to the Statue of Liberty for her visit! She was so sweet to send back some stuffed bears in the package.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Flat Pinkie returned from Costa Rica!

My cousin was nice enough to put me in contact with his wife's cousin in San Jose, Costa Rica. Alejandro kept Flat Pinkie for a few weeks and took tons of neat pictures. Many of them include family members--particularly children--so I will not share those here on this public blog. I don't really have any way to get permission and I know I wouldn't want someone posting pics of my kids online without my okay.

These first two don't include Flat Pinkie, but how gorgeous is this?
We've been learning a bit about rainforest trees lately. Their roots aren't terribly deep--they rely on buttress roots to provide stability at the base. What a good pic of buttress roots!
Now for some of Flat Pinkie in a Costa Rican environment:

Flat Pinkie is now in New Hampshire, where he will be traveling with a host family to Obama's inauguration in Washington, D.C. He certainly gets around!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Flat Bartholomew is Back from California!

Flat Bartholomew came home today! He was lucky enough to have a very generous host family. Not only did they take him to Disneyland and Lego Land, but they also sent him back with maps of both, a mouse-ears postcard, a Disneyland magnet, and a filled-out journal. Thank you, Erin, Morgan, and family! :-)

Friday, November 21, 2008

Flat Bartholomew in Legoland (California)

Hosted by Erin and Morgan:

Riding on a triceratop's nose:
And SpongeBob's nose:
Posing by the Lego New York skyline:
And in front of Pharoh's Revenge:
And with a Bionicle:
Here's Lego Washington DC:

And Lego Las Vegas:

Do you see the STATUE OF LIBERTY?!?!

Thanks again to Erin, Morgan, and family!

Flat Bartholomew in San Diego, CA

At the Natural History Museum, Flat Bartholomew poses with owl pellets at the Animal Grossology exhibit:
Here is the fountain outside the museum:
Thank you to Erin and Morgan!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Flat Bartholomew at Disneyland

Morgan and Erin from California just finished hosting Bartholomew for Halloween festitivites at Disneyland!

Here's Erin and Bartholomew at the gates:
In front of California Adventure:
In front of the Pixie Hollow:
In front of the Astro Oribitor:
A few at the Haunted Mansion:

At the entrance to the Pirates of the Caribbean ride:

With a Halloween tree:
At the Matterhorn:
In front of Sleeping Beauty's castle with Morgan:

The Matterhorn again:
The castle again:
And two in front of Mickey's house:

Thank you to Erin and Morgan (and family) for hosting Bartholomew for such a neat trip!